Resizing Uploaded Images in ASP.NET

How to keep uploaded photos and images under control when you can’t assume the user has the knowledge or tools to manipulate them.

Sending Multi-Part Emails from ASP.NET

Make your recipients and the spam cops happy by sending multi-part plain text and HTML email messages.

Using Declarative Referential Integrity in SQL Server

The next time you are designing a new application database or adding new tables to an existing database, take a few moments to think about how you can leverage the DRI features of SQL Server to make your development life a little easier.

Cookies and Affiliate Programs

Explore what affiliate programs can do for your Web site and how they use cookies.

Creating Custom Configuration Sections in ASP.NET

Use the ASP.NET configuration system to add complex configuration structures to Web.config.

Use Excel to Create Accurate Project Estimates

Using just a few simple formulas, you can create a functional project estimating tool in Excel

TinyUrl Improved

Free services are nice, but when you want extended features and flexibility, you sometimes have to built it yourself.

Use Windows LiveWriter to Update Your Blog

Learn this quick and easy way to update your blog from your desktop (instead of a Web browser)

Should Is a Two-Edged Sword

The word “should” can cause a lot of stress in your life, but it can be an inspirational word as well. The trick is in how you use it.

Making the World a Better Place, One Workout at a Time

Rather than exercise for the sake of exercising, try exercising to get something accomplished.