This Release: A Better Way to Prioritize

Assigning tasks a numerical priority is a waste of time. Try the This Release method instead and save yourself some stress.

How to Gather Comprehensive Business Requirements for a Database Application

A database design begins when you sit down with your customers and learn the business requirements for your application.

How to Set Your Retail Pricing to Meet Your Financial Goals

Learn the difference between retail markup and gross margin so you can earn the money you need to earn from your products.

The LEI Web Site Goes Live at Last!

This is a banner day. After several weeks of converting pages, writing new copy, and integrating new programming features, the new Logical Expressions Web site is alive and well.

Sunflower Seed Toast

The next time you need a quick breakfast or snack and feel like having something different, give this recipe a try.

Rural Broadband Update — Cellular at Last!

A tale of how getting cellular broadband has improved my computing life.

Holiday Evening Soup

This thick, spicy soup is an excellent treat on a cold fall day near the holidays.

Logical Expressions Web Site Rebuild

My current project is to rebuild our company web site, and the experience is producing plenty of fodder for future Nerdy Musings articles. Which topics would you like to learn more about?

Using Logical Operators with Non-Boolean Expressions

Although VB’s logical operators are conceptually quite simple, they can be the source of elusive bugs.

Register/Unregister Your Executables from Explorer

If you frequently work with ActiveX (COM) components, you’ll appreciate knowing how to add DLL registration to your right-click menu in Windows Explorer.